Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm headed to Vietnam from 1-5 December, for a short solo trip.

I desperately need to recharge my batteries and just go do something by myself. It's been a very long while since I've had time alone, with salsa dancing and all, and I've found that if I'm in Singapore, the urge to go burn my heels on the floor is usually too great to ignore. In this way, I've found myself at Union Square upwards of 3 times a week (as I will, again, end up doing this week). And while it's all fun and good exercise, I am starting to weary of human company once again.

It's not that I'm not sociable--far from it, really. People tend to think I'm a social butterfly. Perhaps I am. On top of that, I also have a few good friends from the salsa circle. And I'm very thankful for them; really, having known what it was like without friends, I am truly grateful that people find my company enjoyable enough to want to continue their acquaintance with me.

In recent months, however, some things have happened that make me want to re-evaluate my life, especially who I am, what I believe in, what I want from my life. Thus, the need to get away from company and the noise and chatter; escape the familiar and place myself in a completely different environment. I need this time to gain a better understanding of myself and to learn how to deal with the changes I've been experiencing.

Vietnam has always drawn me and I spent 3 weeks in the summer of '06 with a few of my classmates traversing its length. I just want to go back and walk around again, have another feel of Ho Chi Minh City, and this time I will head out to Vung Tau. If I have time, I will also go to Da Lat for a day. Just to walk around, remember things that I did and do new things, just by myself.

Posted by yuene at 3:13 PM